Saturday, November 16, 2013

When should I sleep with him?

I currently I have a dilemma about when is it  okay to sleep with a guy.  I have always liked to wait a bit before giving up the cookies. I read an article in a magazine once that said, a girl should wait at least  30 days before having sex with a guy. The first thing is that a GOOD mind blowing F**k can have you thinking that you are in love. Yes, because you want more and more.  And then is the remorse the next day, the guilt trip that follows you around because you really liked the guy but he is  not calling you back. Girls, love creating imaginary love stories, I been there.  Just because a guy is charming and apparently everything you want, does not make him THE ONE.

My best friend Jessica always told me that it does not matter when you sleep with a guy, if he wants to be around he will be around. I have got a lot of feedback from my male friends and most of them don't care if the girl sleeps with them on the same night. But then again I have others that say that she is automatically a slut and deserves no respect.

Here is what I think.  Sex is an extremely important part of a relationship. It is the closes and the most intimate connection between two people.  Sex is great and should be enjoyed to maximum. But then you get stuck with the bad sex. Oh lord, help me.  So I met this guy super nice and I really liked him.  All American White boy, smart, cute, sweet and very ambitious.  Oh the sexual tension was huge and uncomfortable. So I gave it up, what a disappointment. His penis was long and skinny, I called it the pencil.  I was traumatized after that day. I didn't feel any pleasure, it anything it was painful because it was long. I felt like my vagina was being poked and punched.  Oh but I took it like a warrior, and didn't complain.  He obviously liked it because he kept calling me and wanted to see me.  I had no intentions of ever seeing him again but I gave it another try. I realized that if I took control of the situation it was not as bad, I just had  to work it. I honestly think I could had saved me such a bad experience if I had slept with him right there and there. Since, I already liked the guy it was hard to turned him away.

I have always wanted to walk in a bar have a couple of drinks and take a guy home. I am not that bold.  Every time I have it in my head,  I chicken out.  Also, I have stopped a few guys just right before. I am like top-less saying no I can't.  I usually tell them I am "spotting" or I will push back my wax day just before my date so I can say no.  I once turned down this Indian guy I really liked. Damn! I told him no just right before and I regret it because I have always wonder if he was good in bed or not.

Then again I stand before my values everything my mom and dad raised me to believe and sleeping around is not one of them.  My longest relationship was 2 years on and off and I never had sex with him. I had sex  before but I was not sexually attracted to him. We were more like friends. I think about it and it is crazy.  I was in a relationship just to not be alone and I was not happy.

I used to work with a guy who slept with his wife on the fist night they are happily married for over 5 years now. But that is the exception to the rule.  If you have ever read my blogs before you know about Bob I made him wait a bit before giving up and that didn't make me a better girl in his eyes.  I think that you should do whatever you feel is right at that moment. If you are fuc**g  the same night. I hope he took you on the best date ever. Roses, chocolate, open the door great dinner or amazing random thing. Like going above and beyond for you. No dull moments during this date and you guys are like lost soul-mates.   Not like taking you to coffee and 10 minutes later you are all over him. My mom raised me to believed that you only regret the things that you don't do because you, learn from your mistakes.  I hate the feeling of what would had happen.  I will reserved my goodies to whoever I want but you best believe that if we are sleeping on the first date, he has "wow" me with the best date ever.

Moral of the story is we are all adults, you are old enough to make your decisions.  No one has the right to judge you. Only god



1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Andie! I read a blog for a magazine recently that made some of the same points that you did. I think a lot of girls don't realize how much TIME you can WASTE with a guy who ends up not being so great in bed. It makes a difference, ya know? lol <3
