Saturday, November 16, 2013

What are you grateful for?

In life some times we can experience adversities that might lead us to great disappointment. But my question is do we let it take over our life's? In life you must be able to heal. To me we must embrace the good and the not so good. Do not waste time and energy dwelling on the bad and in what could have been. There is no need to sadden the past. Dwell in the possibility of a new tomorrow. The death of a fallen one is sad and heart breaking especially if is not expected. But don't spend your life depressed missing that person, thinking about the things that you could had said, done together. Remember only the good and be grateful that you had that person in your life.

In life we have to give thanks for the water that you drink, the food that you eat, the bed that you sleep in and for waking up to another day. Remember that not everyone can be have it. When you think you have it bad there are other people that have it worst than you. Give thanks for the little and not so little in your life. Do not hold on to the material things in life. Yes it is of great satisfaction know that you were able to buy those red bottom shoes or that computer that took a whole year of savings but if it breaks, do not hold on to it.

I am grateful for god allowing me to wake up to a raining morning at 5am, to being in in class at 8am, having to be at work at 10am. Working for 8-9 hrs, then going home to clean and cook, working on a project for my class, talk to my mother on the phone, and everything else that my day might bring. I promise you that today someone will bring the worst of me at work and when I get home my messy roommate will have the kitchen that I just cleaned before I left the house dirty. And yes, I will be irritated but I will brushed off, to the best of my abilities. I always try to keep my energies positive, that way I can attract more positive vibes to my life. We are all grateful for different things in life, but we must be in constant reminder of what it is. And remember that we receive what we give in life. Our lives are a product of what we produced. #justsaythanks

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