Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happiness! What makes you happy?

I strongly believe that happiness is a state of mind. It is hard to maintain at times due to some challenges but is up to you to challenge your challenges to keep happiness. Life is not perfect, but many times is what you make of it. Walking around life being a pessimist and complaining about how you have no luck. Will automatically make you and unhappy person. The law of attraction is very real and simple people, you attract in life what you make of it. If you are to wake up in the morning energetic, in a great mood most likely you will have a wonderful day. Now if you wake up in a poor mood 9 out 10 I can almost guarantee you, your day will be crappy.

Different things make each individual truly happy. If anyone ever has doubts of what makes them happy then, I have a simple exercise for them. Find a quiet peaceful place, or somewhere were you feel comfortable and are able to clear your mind. Write a list of things that make you happy and then one of what makes you not so happy. Try to write at lease one sentence next to each just to know exactly why it cause you a certain effect. After you have done this, then try to practice the more positive part of your list. At first it won't be easy, but try it. And see if it cause you an effect.

I think that in life we must embrace the good and the not so good. Happiness usually comes in small pieces therefore enjoy it while it last. Mom always told me that you must experience unhappiness in order to appreciate happiness. Think about it and it will make sense.

What makes me happy?This might be funny but food makes me happy. Going to restaurant, cooking at home alone or with friends. Yes food can get my mind away from other things. Watching inspirational movies, girls night out!!! Yay. The voice of my mom over the phone in the morning, helping out someone, being able to influence someone in a positive way. Also, the happiness of the people around me, even if I am going through a time if hardship and I see my close ones having a moment of joy I am happy. Energies transmit, and someones's happiness or good mood can rub off on you, the same thing if is negative. Try to surround yourself with positive people, avoid negativity. Avoid pessimist people. Like I said life is what you make for it, don't dwell on your mistakes because they are learning experience. Learned from them, and don't make them again. Find what makes you happy, smile, live, enjoy every moment to the max, love and be grateful. #achivehappiness

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