Sunday, October 28, 2012

Man-gina syndrome!

Man-gina syndrome: an association between man and vagina. Refers to a man who is controlled by a woman. A man who does anything to pleased a woman even if is denigrating. Loosing his dignity to make a woman happy.  Cleans, cooks, pays the bills and it's constantly verbally abused.  Usually found in young men with very little to no experience. Older men who are lonely and have lack of confidence.

The term man-gina was not my ideal, I copied from a co-worker. I adopted into my everyday vocabulary because I love it.

Now girls, we all want a man that is wiling to do anything to makes us happy, but everything that is over done, is not good. In order to have a healthy relationship there must be respect. When a woman is dating a man-gina, there is very little respect because she abuses him. I don't agree with abusive relationships. 

Here comes the problem when the woman is done using the man or he finally realizes that he is being use, he turns emotionally bankrupt. He turns bitter and into a total ass, so that man that once was a taker now is a faker and a player.

I know a couple, who disturbed me each time I see them. She is the ultimate gold-digger and he the extreme man-gina. He has his own company that co-manages with her. She controls the money he uses, from the child support that he gives his kids to the money he uses to buy a soda. On the other hand she is a big spender always wearing Gucci and Prada. She has her own children from a previous marriage who are the most disrespectful kids I seen. Loud, obnoxious and demanding. He puts up with that, and all the demands she has. She always tells him, that he can't do better than her. Trust me she is not all that. Often he says that he is tired and he is going to leave her. I can guarantee you that if he meets another woman who smile at him and shows him true affection he will leave her on a heart beat. The same thing if she finds a bigger fish to fry she will leave him to his own misery. I hate when I have to listen a woman brag about her man-gina.

Another example is that boyfriend who gives his girlfriend everything she wants. Buys her this, take her there,moves her into his apartment. Give, give, give and receives very little. She rather hang with her girlfriends, go to sleep before him that way no sex. She will constantly complaint of everything going on in the relationship. Will only appreciate the big things, ignore the little ones. This means she will pay more attention to the $300 meal, versus the home cooked one. Things must be when she says, and how she says it. She is incapable of making him a meal, doing something out the blue to make him happy. Totally a selfish, manipulative woman. To all this the man is happy because she is happy. To him his only job is to pleased her. But deep inside he is not because, he is often putting aside what he likes or wants for her.

Man! Stop putting up with girls crap! It sounds bad coming from me but is a relationship. Relationships= compromise and respect. Is not okay to let someone run all over you. Whatever someone is not willing to do another will do. The love and attention she wont give him someone else will do it and better.

The man-gina syndrome is annoying. One because they are usually man with so much love to give who can make any woman happy. Two because later they become emotionally bankrupt. Three they are usually my friends, and then I just get mad. Usually they are feeling sorry for themselves, and get all pathetic.

I personally don't find a man-gina attractive, I need a man who has a voice, persona and confidence. Yes, I want him to make me happy and go out of his way once in a while. But I don't want to walk all over him. It's no fun. Is okay to hear no, and not to always have it my way, it creates a balance. Let the girl pull her weight too.
#respect #saynotoabuse #man-gina

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